Gabrielle Wyatt sees the magnificence of Black women. In 2020, she founded The Highland Project to center, sustain, and celebrate Black women.
The Highland Project just announced its third cohort of Highland Leaders this fall, and many of the women in the Highland Leader cohorts are women I admire and whose work has inspired my own practice. At a time when so many of the stories about Black women are stories of harm, Gabrielle has emphasized looking towards Black women's strengths and what they manifest in the world.
To me, the work that The Highland Project and Gabrielle Wyatt are doing is like one big massive love letter to Black women. I'm so grateful to see this type of investment happening in the world. I hope her work inspires others to pour into Black women - it can change our world.
This #BlackHistoryMonth, I'm celebrating 29 Black women who have influenced me through the ways they pursue their own liberation. Black women's work is often unrecognized and not cited, and this month I'm determined to pass out a few flowers to Black women. #Day9 #29LoveLettersToBlackWomen #GiveBlackWomenTheirFlowers