Viva Asmelash is a delight! One of my favorite managers of all time, Diana Lee, connected us a few years back, and I'm so glad that she did. Viva is one of the founders of Liberation Labs, a firm that helps teams weave equitable and inclusive practices into the ways they work together. I've been so impressed about the work Viva has been putting out in the world.
Viva is laser-focused on improving team environments so everyone can thrive. Last year, Viva co-authored the HBR article about Creating Psychological Safety at Work for Black Women at Your Company ( ). Psychological safety is when people believe they will be safe from being shamed from making a mistake, asking a question, or sharing a new idea at work. Teams with psychological safety have an environment that allows for interpersonal risk. Inequitable use of power, bias, and misogynoir ( ) can get in the way of psychological safety for Black women in ways that are different than people with identities in the dominant culture in an organization. Viva's article shares actionable solutions that organizations can ensure their efforts to improve psychological safety includes solutions that work for Black women.
Later this month, I'll get the chance to site down for a fireside chat with Viva and some other dynamic women to discuss how we can create workplaces that uplift Black women (register here for the LinkedIn Live event: ). I'm grateful to be a co-conspirator with Viva as we work to reimagine what's possible at work.
This #BlackHistoryMonth, I'm celebrating 29 Black women who have influenced me through the ways they pursue their own liberation. Black women's work is often unrecognized and not cited, and this month I'm determined to pass out a few flowers to Black women. #Day15 #29LoveLettersToBlackWomen #GiveBlackWomenTheirFlowers
